Friday, April 4, 2008


First I would like to introduce myself, My name is Tom Pittsley. I have been building for 25 years and designing buildings for 28 years. I have a passion for renewable energy and energy conservation. I have been working towards a goal of building nothing but zero energy homes, for several years. Having built my first zero energy homes last year, I have now acquired the knowledge of how to achieve this, and I would like to share it with you, and get your feedback on my ideas. I will be posting a weekly blog, sharing with you how to build this. Starting with the ground up. I founded my business Energy Efficient Building Technologies in 2005, with more than 10 years of research in building technologies and systems. Not only research, but practical building experiences of actually implementing them and monitoring the results. I served as construction manager for the MIT solar decathlon team in 2007, and am currently working with the team from the Boston Architectural College and Tufts University on there 2009 solar decathlon project. I will share more about those and other projects in future blogs.
Stay tuned

Tom Pittsley

1 comment:

  1. Tom,
    Dan From Lamtec here. If your interested I have alot of photos from the decathlon at my Blog. You can Download HiRes Images from there.

    Cheers Dan
